Young Perspectives on Global Events
Join Tomorrow Manifest and be part of a community of young thinkers set to shape the future of dialogue
Our Mission
Pan-European Student Journalism
Tomorrow Manifest’s journalism primarily focuses on the political stage and its consequential yield of policies. Students with different backgrounds bring unique perspectives and a varied impact analysis: Policies affect different regions and demographics in varied ways; diverse viewpoints highlight these differences, which promotes a broader understanding.
Student Empowerment!
The voice of tomorrow.
Tomorrow Manifest aims at giving students a platform to voice their opinions on issues in order to empower and validate their voices. Students can become advocates for change by analyzing and discussing trending topics, influencing public opinion and policymaking.
In order to provide content with multiple point of views, our Editorial board Is composed of students from different universities, spanning various countries, with no interest in imposing a particular political interpretation of facts. Tomorrow Manifests’ focus is centered on critical and objective thought.
Multilingual articles
All articles are available in the writers’ native languages as well as an English version.
Tomorrow Manifest highly encourages aspiring journalists to write articles in their mother tongue. To this end, the project is also looking for translators from the original articles to English.